Interface InvoicePaymentsApi

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface InvoicePaymentsApi
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • list

      List<InvoicePayment> list(Reference<Invoice> invoiceReference, Instant updatedSince)
      updatedSince - return only InvoicePayments that have been updated at least 1 second after updatedSince. Set to null to disable filtering.
      invoiceReference - the invoice containing the payments
      a list of all InvoicePayments in the invoice, sorted by creation date, newest first.
    • list

      Pagination<InvoicePayment> list(Reference<Invoice> invoiceReference, Instant updatedSince, int page, int perPage)
      updatedSince - return only InvoicePayments that have been updated at least 1 second after updatedSince. Set to null to disable filtering.
      invoiceReference - the invoice containing the payments
      page - the page number
      perPage - how many results to return for one page. Max 100
      a list of all InvoicePayments in the invoice, sorted by creation date, newest first.
    • create

      InvoicePayment create(Reference<Invoice> invoiceReference, InvoicePayment creationInfo)
      Create a new InvoicePayment
      invoiceReference - the invoice that will contain the payment
      creationInfo - creation information
      the created InvoicePayment
    • delete

      void delete(Reference<Invoice> invoiceReference, Reference<InvoicePayment> invoicePaymentReference)
      Delete an existing InvoicePayment.
      invoiceReference - the invoice that contains the payment
      invoicePaymentReference - An existing InvoicePayment to be deleted